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7 Days Machame Route Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking

FROM $1918 USD* / 24/7 SERVICE / 11 DAYS
*Price p.p. incl. transfers, accommodation, food, drinks, guides and park fees. Excl. International flight (based on six persons)

7 Days Machame Route Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking

Considered to be the most beautiful and scenic of the various routes up Mount Kilimanjaro, the Machame Route is appropriate for more adventurous hikers who wish for a more physically demanding climb than Marangu or Rongai can offer. Machame is presently the most popular route despite its higher degree of difficulty, so you can expect to not be the only one climbing.

Tanzania eXPLORATION offers a unique service throughout the climb

Climbing Kilimanjaro is the ultimate challenge! You will be accompanied by professional guides, porters and a cook during your ascent to Uhuru Peak via the Northern Circuit route. Our crew will take care of you and perform a health check every morning and evening to make sure everything is in order. In addition, the accompanying cook will serve you delicious food during this tour. The quality of the food is at the top of our priority list, as you depend on good food during the strenuous climb. If you would like to have a look at the menu in advance, we will be happy to send it to you.

Mountaineering is a relatively primitive sport. You will sleep in simple but high-quality tents during the ascent. Our customers experience climbing Kilimanjaro via the Northern Circuit route as an unforgettable experience! As soon as you have confirmed your booking with us, we will send you a comprehensive document to prepare for the trip.

7 Days Machame Route Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking

LOW SEASON (April 1st – May 19th)

MID SEASON (the rest of the year)

HIGH SEASON (July + August + 20 Dec + 10 Jan)

* Indicative costs per person, excluding international airline tickets



Day 1 : Arusha – Machame Gate (1,790m) – Machame Camp (3,010m)

After breakfast, you will be picked up at your lodge and taken to the Kilimanjaro National park gate. After completion of all the necessary paperwork, your adventure commences. Your destination for today is the Machame Camp. Soon you will be hiking through the lush rainforest with its large ancient trees, primeval ferns, and endemic flowers, like the Impatiens Kilimanjaro. You might also spot black and white colobus monkeys, peeking through the leaves. Reaching the campsite you will have time to relax, stretch your legs and enjoy a hearty meal, before snuggling into your tent for the night. Breakfast; Lunch; Dinner

Day 2 : Machame Camp (3,010m) – Shira Camp (3,845m)

Today’s early start is not due to a long stretch, but rather to allow you to reach Shira Camp at around mid-afternoon. As you walk you will notice the dramatic change in the landscape – from lush and green rainforest to dry moor and heathland. Arriving at your campsite a beautiful view of the mountain range opens up before you. The glaciers of Kibo glistens in the golden hue of the setting sun as you enjoy another lovingly cooked meal before climbing into your tent. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 3 : Shira Camp (3,845m) – Lava Tower Hut (4,640m) – Barranco Camp (3,960m)

Acclimatization is on today’s menu. You will climb roughly 800 m but sleep on a level not much higher than the previous night. Starting at Shira Plateau, you will make your way up to Lava Tower. Here you will rest a while, before continuing through the Barranco Valley to the beautiful Barranco Camp. The trek will take approximately 6 to 7 hours, but the various distractions of the alpine desert, as well as the Barranco Valley with its small lobelia plants and giant senecios, will keep your mind off the stretch still ahead. A well-deserved dinner and overnight await you at Barranco Camp. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4 : Barranco Camp (3,960m) – Karanga Camp (4,035m)

Today the Barranco Wall stands before you to conquer. Some stages will require you to use your hands for a better grip, but no actual climbing is necessary. Your guide will be with you every step of the way to lend a helping hand. The route with its numerous ascents and descents allow for further acclimatization and leads you to the mountain ridge. Walking along the ridge you can take in the beautiful landscape with its stunning contrasts of desert and vegetation, before finally reaching the cloudy Karanga Camp. Your trek will take between 3 to 4 hours, leaving more than enough time to rest and play a game of rummy. Evening meal and overnight at Karanga Camp. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 5 : Karanga Camp (4,035m) – Barafu Camp (4,640m)

Awakening to the sunlight dancing off the Kibo Summit, you will enjoy a hearty breakfast before setting out to today’s destination – Barafu Camp. Most of the day will be spent walking through very dry desertic terrain, with Kibo ever-present on your left side. After 3 to 4 hours you will reach Barafu Camp, where you will have an early dinner and night as the highlight of your trip is only a few short hours away… Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 6 : Barafu Camp (4,640m) – Uhuru Peak (5,895m) – Mweka Camp (3,080m)

At around midnight you will be woken up by your guide with a warm cup of tea and biscuits to get you ready for your final ascent. The moon and your headlamps will be your only source of light as you make your way up to Stella Point (5,730m), reaching the crater rim in about 5 to 7 hours. Another 1 to 2 hours will take you to Uhuru Peak, where you can enjoy the sun rising over the African landscape, casting a pink hue over the snowy peak and making the glaciers sparkle like diamonds around you. After capturing this incredible view and achievement on film, you will start your descent along the same route back to Barafu Camp, where your team awaits you with some snacks and refreshments. Rested and relaxed you will make your way to Mweka Camp for your last night on the highest mountain in Africa. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 7 : Mweka Camp (3,080m) – Mweka Gate (1,630m) – Arusha

A scrumptious breakfast is followed by a traditional farewell ceremony from your mountain crew, before you start your final stretch down the mountain. You will once more trek through the rainforest, giving you another opportunity to spot the cheeky colobus monkeys, finally reaching the Mweka Gate. You will be met at the gate and taken back to the Meru View Lodge for a long shower and relaxed day by the pool. Breakfast, Dinner
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